In this corner, weighing in at 255 milligrams, the Martian !

And in this corner, weighing in at 245 milligrams, and former Heavy weight champion of the world, Terri-Bull !

BOOM ! The Martian wastes no time, as he comes out of the gate with a sickening drop kick !


Terri-Bull lands with a THUD!  OUCH, that's gotta hurt !


No mercy! This time pounding the face of the former champ.


A quick thigh drop reversal by Terri-Bull  !


OH NO, into the turnbuckle we go !


I'd hate to see the rope hickey that Martian is going to have on his forehead !

Speaking of hickeys, Fox ! Did I ever tell you about the time that 23 year old dead head left one on my.......



CRACK ! What a vicious hit to the midsection. I think he might have a broken rib.

Either that, or Terri-Bull just busted off the other horn.

Yeah, I hear he's only half as horny as the rest of the clan!


I think he's got the Martian tied up in the ropes! Full body attack!

Jerry, Here comes his finisher.

Question for you Fox? Is it the blow to the head on impact, or the proximity to Terri-Bull's armpit that knocks them out?

I really can't smell, Jerry, why don't you ask him?

1, 2, 3 ! DING DING DING

You're winner, advancing to the second round. Terri-Bull !

You sure took some damage early on Terri-Bull. I'm surprised you pulled it off.

Do you doubt my superiority you FOOL?

No, it's just that...........

Pitiful dolt ! You will all see the power of the Bulls when this pathetic formality is past.

