In this corner, weighing in at 275 milligrams, the Six Arm Shogun !

And in this corner, weighing in at 325 milligrams, and former Heavy weight champion of the world, Terri-Bull Maximus !

Gentleman, start your engines. Let's GET IT ON !


Shogun gets things rolling with a triple hook !


Going for an early pin attempt. One, two.....


No, a quick reversal by Terri-Bull Maximus !


OH NO, into the turnbuckle we go !


WHAM ! I felt that over here!

Poising for some top rope acrobatics


CRACK ! Forehead smash to Shogun's 2nd face!


And a heavy shoulder drop brings Six Arm to the mat!

Speaking of heavy, Jerry, I wonder what Maximus eats for breakfast?

Probably the donut aisle at the quickie mart, Fox !

Looks like Shogun has regained the momentum and is going for a pressure slam!

Here we go.......

